
Let children creative and make a different

Mr. R. Ramamurti Reddi,
M.Sc., Ph.D.,

“ The District Welfare Fund Committee in order to utilize the funds at its disposal for a project of a lasting quality, took a decision in 1964, with the unanimous consent of all the members under the chairmanship of Sri V. Sundaresan, I.A.S., the Collector of Cuddapah, to start a school with English as medium of instruction and discipline and quality as main objectives. There was a genuine need for such a school not only for the public of cuddapah town and its neighbourhood but also the increasing number of government, public and private sector employees belonging to states other than Andhra Pradesh, who are liable to be transferred anywhere in India. Vidya Mandir was born as a direct result of this decision. ”

“ An organization by name, The Cuddapah Educational Trust was registered as a Charitable trust with the Collector of Cuddapah District as ex-officio President on 18th June, 1964. The first activity of the trust was to organize and manage the Vidya Mandir School as an elementary and higher secondary grade and also to take all necessary steps to acquire land and construct necessary buildings for the school. ”

“ Vidya Mandir English Medium School was formally opened on 18th June, 1964, with first to fifth classes provisionally in the premises of Revenue Club, Cuddapah. The student strength of the school in the first year was 84. A month later, the school was shifted to a rented building in Raja Reddy street. Within two years of starting the school, serious financial Problems cropped up, with the expected funds from a charitable organization not materializing and virtual drying up of resources from District Welfare Fund. However, with the co-operation of a few devoted teachers and committee members of the Cuddapah Educational Trust, we survived this difficult period. ”

“ We had to severely prune not only the strength of teachers, but also their emoluments. The school slowly and steadily limped back to normally over a period of three years. The school was recognized as an upper primary school in 1969 and upgraded to High school and recognized in 1970 by Government of Andhra Pradesh. Ninth class was started in 1971 and tenth class in 1972 and recognition for these classes was obtained in 1972. ”

“ As a result of persistent and whole hearted efforts of the Presidents and members of the executive Committee of the Cuddapah Educational Trust, a site of five acres of land was assigned to the school in 1970 by Government of Andhra Pradesh, and soon after the site was handed over to us. We had to take immediate steps to enclose the site by a compound wall to prevent encroachments. Our financial position was very weak and raising of funds became very critical. In this context, we arranged a benefit performance under the guidance and active participation of Sri N.T. Rama Rao, leading artiste of Telugu Cinema, in 1971 and we collected a sum of Rs. 59,862/-. We owe deep gratitude to him for his help. We completed a stone masonary compound wall, soon after. We put up temporary thatched huts and moved into our own premises on 3rd November 1973. ”

“ From then on, we have been actively engaged in improving the infrastructure of the school. We replaced the thatched huts with permanent buildings and built new buildings for all our classes. We have built a library and laboratory hall. We have improved the playground, so that all out door games can be played. During this academic year we have laid a concrete basketball court, as per the specifications of the sports authority of India. ”

“ In commemoration of the Silver Jubilee of our school, we have completed a building for performing arts, with an open air theatre. ”

“ Our school is progressing satisfactorily in both academic and sports activities. We plan to give an orientation in cultural activities also. We plan to equip our school with modern audio visual aids. With a firm commitment of continuous improvement of the school in all spheres, we dedicate ourselves to a bright future of our institution. ”
